Spiky Squares #26

Becky has started a new photo challenge for March #SpikySquare Drop into Beckys Spiky Square site for some details and other peoples spiky photos.

The rules are simple:
Have fun interpreting the spikiness but don’t forget there is ONE absolute rule for this daily photo challenge – your main photograph must be square.




17 thoughts on “Spiky Squares #26

    1. PS The sound coming from the didjeridu (or is it didgeridoo) is amazing, is the person playing a well known musician? We just don’t get to here Aboriginal music here, let alone see their art.

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      1. Why on earth did I think it was a wall?!!! Of course it is bark

        Hope you don’t, they don’t look as though they’ll respond to “hello lovely to see you but you really must go now!”

        Liked by 1 person

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