Spiky Squares #24

Becky has started a new photo challenge for March #SpikySquare Drop into Beckys Spiky Square site for some details and other peoples spiky photos.

The rules are simple:
Have fun interpreting the spikiness but don’t forget there is ONE absolute rule for this daily photo challenge – your main photograph must be square.



11 thoughts on “Spiky Squares #24

  1. oh this is a beauty of a square Brian . .wonderful.
    Unfortunately though I cannot enjoy it with the music at moment as MrB playing something, but I will be back later xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the song was enjoyable – the video was nice with the street footage (mechanics and friends) told a story and the singers voice was a bit raw and then the tree connection – nice choice

    Liked by 1 person

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