38 thoughts on “Trees

  1. I love trees, though I haven’t shared many photos. My love and respect of trees came about when I did my degree in timber technology and wood science (please don’t laugh). Only then, after pouring over qualities of timber and different types of wood could I see the real beauty between each sort. As a result of my study has manefested a fascination of trees ‘in the wild’ as it were.

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    1. What a wonderful learning. I love trees and timber. My Grandfather was a Wheelwright and we had all sorts of woodworking tools. I used to make things out of wood scraps and there was a timber yard over the back fence. I have so many different trees on my place. The colours of the wood, their bark and textures…..just love ’em x

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  2. Great photos! I’ve always been a treehugger. A cool thing to try when taking pictures of trees (or tall buildings) is to use landscape mode on your camera and pan up the tree. It makes a cool shot. Unfortunately, some cameras panoramaic view mode only works horizontally but not all!

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  3. I never get tired of tree photos – and I have been doing Sunday trees (with Becca’s challenge) and it amazes me how it is a subject that never seems to get old – and your trees here are so cool

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  4. Because I am down with a flu bug (almost over it )
    I have some extra time so here is what I see in each tree (just a quick take)
    First one – the shadows and light
    2) a sense of awe looking up at that mammoth tree
    3) reminded me of talking trees – the tree tops seem like little hairy heads in an enchanted forest movie scene – ha
    4)I call that lightning
    The thin trunk and branches with the yellow backdrop felt electric!
    5) have no idea (what is that orange center? Two trees ?
    6) almost called it paradise – but the fence kept stopping that word –
    So it is almost paradise

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