Odd Balls for August

I have been missing out on Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge. Time to rectify the absence.

The loneliness of  being left behind at the shopping center.
200818_odd ball_left behind

Making sure everyone knows what is going on in Casino.
200818_odd ball_mini moke_casino

Looks like there was a big dummy spit at the football
200818_odd ball_dummy spit2

Just in case you didn’t see in the previous photo
200818_odd ball_dummy spit1


18 thoughts on “Odd Balls for August

  1. Is that a tater tot on the bench?
    And how funny all of these – I like the oddball pics because they are so random and really grab parts of life in a unique way

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Odd things in odd places…so fun to find. I’m glad you enlarged the one with the ‘dummies’, or what we’d call pacifiers. So funny to see them out on the field. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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