
The Tuesday Photo Challenge from Frank at Dutch goes the Photo: Alley

I have gone back in time to my first European tour and to the city of Rovinj in Croatia. It was hard to settle on a couple of photos as I have quite a few alley photos from Europe. I like these ones.

This alley was just up from my hotel. It has just the right amount of colour to lighten the mood of the alley.
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This is one of my favourite photos of Rovinj
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17 thoughts on “Alley

  1. Aw……Rovinj!
    There are many nice towns in Croatia.
    I don’t know what it is with this particular town that I fall in love with it again and again, even though I have seen also its flaws.
    But isn’t it the same with people sometimes?
    Your photos give a good impression of the town’s loveliness, also for those who haven’t been so lucky to visit it (yet).

    Liked by 1 person

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